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A Very Merry Distance Learning Christmas...

Writer: irishfoxcreationsirishfoxcreations

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

A Christmas Wish List from a Mom of Distance Learners

My kids were super excited to help me make this blog post today. We are Christmas shopping online this year (bc we officially hate the stores... thanks 2020)

I never know what to tell our families when they ask what the kids want for Christmas.

But as expected.. this year is different.

We have started Distance Learning this year and it has definitely been a learning experience for everyone involved. We have to do thing's a little different with our distance learning bc we are not at home... we are at work.

We own a car dealership and we are fortunate enough to be able to safely bring our kids to work with us while they are distance learning. This allows me to supervise them easily and still get some work done. Long story short. I have a Christmas list to give out this year... because we really actually need some new stuff to make our new distance learning lifestyle a little less stressful and a little more fun.

So here are our picks for a Very Merry Distance Learning Christmas...

I have had some help on these gift ideas from my kids who are 8 & 10 years old

I will update this post with promo codes as I find them!



With all the chaos of work and distance learning going on in our everyday life we have a hard time keeping track of the time they have to be in back in class after a

break or when they are supposed to be on programs and then back into the class.

The times are different everyday and the kids have different schedules so have breaks and classes at different times.

Having a smart watch will hopefully help them always know what time it is and easily set alarms for the time they are told to come back to class.

My 8 Year old loves the black on pictured above

My 10 Year old loves the Teal one

I Started wearing a smart watch recently so I can help keep track of our times but I think if they had a alarm beeping on them.. it would help out a bunch lol


Roller Skates.

This one sounds silly but Roller Skating is coming back, especially as a form of exercise My kids love it, but this year they are in need of some nicer quality skates than they have currently.

Because we are distance learning from work they have our whole lobby and parking lot to Roller Skate in when they are on recess or Gym. I love that they are able to do something active, especially since they spend a lot of time sitting on a computer.

-These Black and Grey Roller Derby Skates are My 8 Year Old's Favorite

(He wears size 2-3 for my family member's using this post to shop!)

-These Pink and White Girls Roller Derby Skates are my 10 year old's Favorite. These ones also come in purple and black and hot pink and black. She honestly loves them all. (She wears a size 4-5 for all our family who are using this post to Christmas shop!)


Blue Screen Glasses

These Kid's Blue Screen Glasses are definitely a must have! They protect the kids little eyes when staring at a screen for so long.

They also help to avoid screen educed headaches which unfortunately happens often (poor kids) The glasses pictured our both kids favorites! These come in a 2 pack and are ON SALE right now for $16.99!


Lap Desks

These would be great! The kids do most of there work sitting on the couch in our lobby.

They have little TV tables to use now but they are big and often in the way or folding up and falling over.

We think these Monster face Lap Desks are so funny.

They would be easier to use and move around and would be easily put away when they are done using them!

These cute Monster Lap Desks are going for around $16

Here is the link to this item


Return Balls

This one might sound silly too but in our distance learning gym classes the teacher has them throw a ball around...

After about 5 minutes "toss a ball to yourself" turns to chaos.. mainly because they get carried away and they are bouncing off the celling, windows or loosing the ball into a shelf of items we have for sale in the lobby.

it's a fun time.

So maybe these balls attached to them would help with the balls getting away from them just a little bit as they play toss indoors.


Head Phones

One thing I've learned in all this is there are quality headphones and there are cheap headphones.

The cheap headphones mess with the sound in the distance learning classroom to the point where the teacher asks them to take them off.

My kids got cheap head phones for back to school and they don't work at all anymore.

I like to listen to what the teacher is saying during a class when she is telling them what they need to be doing but there are times they should really have head phones on like when listening to a book be read or when watching videos for class.

These headphones look perfect and have a mic on them so they can still unmute themselves and talk to the teacher when needed.

<<<My 10 year old loves the Teal and Purple

My 8 year old loves the Black and Blue >>


Chrome Book Cases

These could be useful on the days like today. We are preparing for a snow day tomorrow, the kids will still be distance learning if there is a snow day but depending on how bad it is, we may stay home instead of going to the shop.

These would make it very easy for the kids to grab the Chrome books and chargers and take them home with us when we go home tonight. That way we are always prepared for whatever is going on! These two were my kids favorites but they had SO MANY cute designs!

These Cases are going for around $16


Erasable Reusable Electronic Drawing Tablet

These are pretty cute!

My distance learners are required to have a white board with them to show answers to the teacher through the screen or to jot little notes down, but the kids get covered in the marker after wiping it off so many times.

These are colorful, fun and will hopefully keep those little hands clean!

These are going for around $10 and come in a few different colors

My kids ,loved these two colors!


Sensory Fidget Toys Set

This Sensory Fidget Toy Set could be helpful on those days that the kids just cant sit still while they are supposed to be sitting in a class.

They have many different sets on Amazon.


I hope this post was helpful to anyone shopping for some distance learners in your life or if you are someone shopping for my distance learners!

I feel like the kids need to have some fun and happiness added to this distance learning experience because they really miss real school.... and so do I...

Happy Shopping and Merry Christmas!


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